Our methods

We’ve taken the most relevant training techniques from gymnastics, acrobatics, dance, contortion, pilates, and Functional Range Conditioning and applied them to specifically target the needs of figure skaters.

As former competitive figure skaters, we’ve witnessed firsthand the toll it can take on our bodies: injuries from over-training, poor technique that led to bad habits, lost flexibility due to weakness. But throughout our career as professional coaches, we realized something important: these issues are all preventable.

The Balanced Skaters Platform was originally designed to help coaches train their competitive figure skaters off the ice in order to develop the strong foundation they need to challenge themselves on the ice. But soon after we launched our coaching platform, we realized that adult figure skaters need the same strong foundation, and they were begging us for access. As a result, we created an entirely new set of classes & courses focused to meet these unique needs.

Our training programs improve mobility, strength, and resistance to common injuries. By training clean body mechanics and breaking down difficult jumps, spins, and movement patterns, we unlock rapid improvements to on-ice form and technique.

Our content

Our signature 12-week training programs target strength and mobility. Each class is repeated for 3 weeks, and progressively gets more challenging every month.

By following these courses, you’ll be able to see your progress in a sustainable way. Alternating between strength and mobility-focused lessons prevents burning out the same muscle groups, consistently practicing drills builds the muscle memory that improves on-ice technique, and regular self-assessments help identify areas of weakness that could lead to injury down the line.

While our programs are structured, they’re also flexible. If you don’t have time to follow a full program, it’s easy to choose-your-own-adventure with one-off classes, fine-tune your technique with mini tutorials, or simply follow specific segments of the structured program.

We want to help you achieve the perfect balance across all five categories: 

  • Strength: Integrated movement patterns broken down into their simplest forms

  • Mobility: Stretches that require end-range control and help improve flexibility

  • Balance: Specific balances directly relating to skills on ice (we call them ‘shaping drills’)

  • Plyometrics: Utilizing strength effectively for better jumping form & injury prevention

  • Rotations: Current and progressive jumping techniques broken down into smart progressions

Since we believe feedback is just as important off the ice as on, we include live Zoom classes for subscribers. Join us for creative sequencing and personalized advice every month.
